Department of Health
Zika Virus Update #2
Dear Colleague,
Here is the latest information regarding Zika virus disease:
Cases in Virginia
All suspected and confirmed Zika virus disease cases are required to be reported to the local health department. As of March 24, 2016, VDH has identified 7 cases of Zika virus disease in Virginia residents (2 in Northwest Region, 2 in Northern Region, 1 in Eastern Region, 1 in Central Region and 1 in Southwest Region).
Zika Virus Laboratory Testing
Zika virus lab testing continues to require review and approval by public health. Public health testing recommendations are summarized in a testing algorithm on the VDH Zika Virus website. Health care providers should continue to contact their local health department to discuss criteria for Zika virus testing, for assistance in arranging testing, and for guidance on interpreting test results.
US Zika Pregnancy Registry
To understand more about Zika virus infection during pregnancy and congenital Zika virus infections, CDC has established the US Zika Pregnancy Registry. Data collected through this surveillance effort will help guide recommendations for clinical care and testing, plan for services for pregnant women and families affected by Zika virus, and improve prevention of Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Local health departments may reach out to health care providers caring for pregnant women who have laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection (regardless of symptoms) and their infants. As more details emerge, VDH will inform providers. Preliminary information can be found on the CDC’s US Zika Pregnancy Registry website.
Mosquito Prevention and Control
Local mosquito control is a community effort. The Virginia Zika Task Force is developing action plans that include strategies to conduct local mosquito surveillance and control efforts. Public communications will emphasize the need for residents to regularly dump any containers of standing water on their properties. Thank you for sharing information with your patients about mosquito bite prevention, including providing reminders to use insect repellent and adhere to CDC travel advisories.
Updated CDC Guidance on Zika Virus Infection
- Update: Interim Guidance for Prevention of Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus — United States, 2016 (March 25, 2016)
o Update provides recommended time intervals for taking precautions to reduce the risk of sexual transmission after travel to areas with active Zika virus transmission or after Zika virus infection.
• Update: Interim Guidance for Health Care Providers Caring for Women of Reproductive Age with Possible Zika Virus Exposure — United States, 2016 (March 25, 2016)
o Update includes recommendations on counseling women and men with possible Zika virus exposure who are interested in conceiving.
• Preventing Transmission of Zika Virus in Labor and Delivery Settings Through Implementation of Standard Precautions — United States, 2016 (March 22, 2016)
o Guidelines highlight the use of Standard Precautions to minimize the exposure to body fluids and to protect healthcare personnel and patients from blood-borne pathogens.
Please visit the VDH Zika Virus Disease Information website and the CDC Zika Virus website for more information.
Thank you for your continued efforts to help your patients understand the Zika virus risks and how they can prevent all mosquito-borne infections.
David H. Trump, MD, MPH, MPA
Chief Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness
A pdf version of this letter is available on the VDH Resources for Health Care Professionals web page.
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